Natural beekeeping.

Natural beekeeping is a phrase used to describe many different approaches to beekeeping. While there's no universal definition, our interpretation of natural beekeeping is minimal manipulation, natural combs, and no treatments.

ZERO chemicals.

Honeybees were never fully domesticated, and many wild honeybee colonies are thriving without human intervention. In fact, honeybees lived without our help for thousands of years, and in this manner, adapted to environmental change and challenges over time. The most important variable in determining adaptability and hive success is good genetics. We believe the best method for overcoming Colony Collapse Disorder and the other struggles honeybees are facing is natural selection.

We don't use any sort of treatment for the maladies affecting bees that you may read in the news. We run what's called a self-sustainable apiary, meaning we breed and raise our own queens to start nucleus (or nucs) colonies to replace any losses that may incur over the winter months. 

It is a common misconception that natural selection takes thousands of years to affect change. How fast an organism adapts, however, is directly influenced by how strong the selective pressures in their environment are. Current selective pressures on honeybees in North America are very strong. By not treating our hives with blanket antibiotics and miticides, we are allowing weak bees to die, and only the strongest bees to survive. We then propagate the genetics of the strong colonies by splitting surviving hives the next year, and by allowing them to swarm. In this way, evolutionary change can occur very quickly.

Raw Honey.

During the extraction process, we coarse strain the honey and never heat it. Raw honey has live enzymes that are destroyed by heat, and fine filtering removes the pollen particles, stripping the nutritional content and subtle flavors.

Because we do not filter nor heat our honey, you'll receive all the beneficial properties that most industrial store-bought honey lacks. Best of all, you'll experience a range of subtle and layered flavors you probably haven't tasted before. 

We do not blend our honey to make it taste the same year round. Each harvest produces the taste of the flora from the time of year it was made. This is part of what makes our honey pure and taste amazing.

Our honey is the best money can buy, and once you taste it, we think you’ll agree.